How To Use Semrush For Keyword Research?

How To Use Semrush For Keyword Research?

SEMrush is an all-in-one digital marketing tool that professionals and businesses use to improve their online presence, search engine rankings, and overall marketing performance. It offers features that help users conduct in-depth keyword research, analyze competitors, track website rankings, and optimize content for better search engine visibility. 

SEMrush provides valuable insights and data for SEO, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and more. With its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities, SEMrush has become a go-to tool for digital marketers, SEO experts, and businesses. It helps them enhance their online marketing efforts and succeed in the highly competitive digital landscape. (Here is a comprehensive guide on social media marketing and content marketing)

Using SEMrush for keyword research is a powerful way to uncover valuable insights about your target keywords, competitors, and search trends. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to conduct keyword research with SEMrush:

Access SEMrush and Enter Your Domain or Keyword:

  • Log in to your SEMrush account or sign up for a free trial.

  • Enter your website domain or the primary keyword you want to research in the search bar.

Review Overview Report:

  • After entering your domain or keyword, you’ll be directed to the Overview Report.

Add domain- Example

  • This report provides essential data, including organic search traffic, paid search traffic, main organic competitors, and the number of indexed pages.

Explore Organic Keywords:

  • Click on “View Full Report” under “Organic Search” to access the Organic Keywords report.


  • Here, you’ll find a list of organic keywords your domain currently ranks for and essential metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, and position on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Identify Top Performing Keywords:


  • Sort the organic keywords by position to identify the top-performing ones that drive significant traffic to your website.
  • Focus on keywords with high search volume and a favorable position on SERPs, as they offer great opportunities for optimization.

Analyze Keyword Difficulty:

  • SEMrush provides a Keyword Difficulty metric, indicating how challenging it is to rank for a particular keyword.
  • Balance high-competition keywords with lower-competition ones to develop a well-rounded SEO strategy

Discover Keyword Ideas:


  • Head to the “Keyword Magic Tool” to discover new keyword ideas related to your niche.

  • Enter a seed keyword, and SEMrush will generate a vast list of related keywords, search volume, keyword difficulty, and other relevant metrics.

Filter and Refine Results:

  • Use the filtering options to narrow the keyword list based on specific criteria like search volume, keyword difficulty, or word count.
  • This helps identify long-tail keywords that might have less competition but are highly relevant to your content.

Analyze Competitor Keywords:


Filter and Refine Results:

  • Use the filtering options to narrow the keyword list based on specific criteria like search volume, keyword difficulty, or word count.
  • This helps identify long-tail keywords that might have less competition but are highly relevant to your content.


  • Use SEMrush’s “Position Tracking” tool to monitor your website’s ranking for selected keywords over time.
  • Regularly track keyword performance and adjust your SEO strategy to improve rankings and increase organic traffic.

Want to know how to use SEMrush? Schedule a free consultation

Ready to unlock the full potential of SEMrush for your SEO strategy? Consult our expert team of SEO services in Los Angeles. We’ll guide you through using SEMrush’s powerful features to conduct comprehensive keyword research, analyze your competitors, and optimize your website for top search engine rankings. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your SEO efforts to new heights. Propel your online presence to success with SEMrush by calling My SEO Guru at 215-826-3437